It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Showing 10 responses by coralkong

Buy what you like, and like what you buy.

Everyone has a budget. *shrugs*

I think there’s a lot of jealousy in this hobby.

That, and people who think they’re smarter than everyone else.

Either way, you end up with a lot of butt-hurt know-it-alls that tend to lash out, rather than try to learn anything....


I find these are usually the "measurements only" folks who are seeking confirmation that their equipment is better, just as good as, or best because some guy on YouTube with a multi-meter gave it a Pink Panther stamp of approval, LOL.

Cables can’t possibly make a difference, because copper is copper.....they’ve never tried expensive cables, mind you....but they KNOW it can’t make a difference, and they’ll argue until they're blue in the face about it. Usually hurling thinly veiled insults while they’re at it.

Same goes for fuses or what-have-you.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."


Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

I enjoy a lively conversation as much as the next guy, but the idea behind the conversation is that I should get something out of it. In other words, I should learn something or teach something.

Most of these folks don’t want to learn anything, they just want to appear (at least in their own mind) that their set up is just as good as someone else’s, usually at pennies on the dollar.

"Giant slayer", "Punches above it’s weight class", "Just as good as..." are all turn-offs to me.

@audioman58 , also a good point.

Everyone has a budget. Choose wisely, but enjoy what you choose. 

I would never crap on someone's system, but I do get tired of being told by a novice what I can and can't hear.

@curiousjim , I own a mint 2012 Jaguar XK convertible w/ 33k miles on it. It's parked in the garage for the winter (need to put the battery conditioner on it, actually).....

It's as exotic as I need. It's nice, yeah, it's pretty fast, just a very nice, fun car. I'm happy. I don't need anything more exotic. Does what it says on the package.

My point is......it's "good enough", and really, it's only me that needs to pleased with it.

I've never owned, nor driven a Ferrari. Nor a Lambo, McLaren (though there is a guy in town with a baby blue one), etc....I'm sure their specs are better. I'm sure they are more expensive, and heck, they're certainly "better".

I'm happy with what I have. I'm not jealous. I bought a nice piece of equipment, I don't need to justify it, it's exactly what I wanted, kind of a childhood dream that should be the end of it.

I wish more Audio folks would adopt that mindset.

I know this probably didn't make any sense, but hopefully .....

Buy what you like, enjoy what you bought. 


Oh, come on already.

I'm at the point where I refuse to deal with anyone who says they can't hear a difference in cables, power cords, fuses, etc...

Of course they do.

It's the same old thing, over and over and over and over.





Another decent thread on A'gon derailed by a couple of wanna-be, butt-hurt, know-it-all pseudo-scientists.

Please see my first response to this thread on page 1.



I just love it when someone tells me what I can and cannot hear in my system.

@scottwheel , give it a rest, eh?

Someday you'll look back on this and realize how foolish you sound.

Don't like expensive cables? Don't buy any.

Want to hang with the Pink Panther crowd? By all means, go for it.

Want to hang out with your buddies and talk about how smart you are, and how everyone else who disagrees with you is retarded? Not my cup of tea, but you do you.

But give it a rest already.

Once you know better (and obviously a few people here certainly DO know better), you can't go back....someday you'll probably learn. But your pseudo-intellectual high-road tactics are annoying, to say the least. Your  "lather, rinse, repeat" regurgitated ignorance is old at this point. Let it go. 




@scottwheel , if you truly want to learn something, perhaps you should stop trying to be the smartest guy in the room and listen to what others are telling you.

Have a nice day.