Why is Oppo stopping products.

Just went to their website and they are no longer making new products. 

Showing 2 responses by trelja

Staying in business always was, and always will be the first rule of business.

Oppo cannot continue hemorrhaging money making high-end audio disc players players, DAC, etc.  Factories like theirs are set up for commodity production.  The minuscule HEA market sits on the opposite side of that
@nonoise Thank you for providing the article!

"While certainly not privy to the meetings at Oppo, after a multi-decade career in technology I can well imagine how it went down. On the conference room screen the PowerPoint slide shows a graph with time as its horizontal axis and $/Renminbi on the vertical. One data line is labeled 'Development and Support Costs' and is trending sharply up as complexity on top of complexity is heaped onto the platforms. A second data line is labeled 'Annual Player Sales'; alas it trends down over time.

Once those curves cross no amount of passion to build exquisite players will save the day."

Perfectly summed up by the author