Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?

Showing 4 responses by lalitk

^^^^You don’t have to spend mega bucks to obtain high quality cables. There are plenty of cable brands that offers great value for your money.  Look into Audio Envy...they were the end game cables for me. 

As a cable manufacturer, your post above is very disappointing and disconcerting. Wish you would have contributed positively than resorting to such pettiness. Are you having a bad day?
Yup, the thread is primed for measurement crowd and cable naysayers :-)

For the purpose of contribution, as long as manufacturer discloses the cable design philosophy and metallurgy...I am good with trying any ‘high end’ cables out there. More importantly, the cables should also be reasonably priced. I am done with insanely priced cables.....lol!

I trust my ears more than the measurements. If it measures good and sounds bad, what good is that cable regardless of its asking price?

Good post but I think you’re wasting your breath with b4icu. I do not think he is capable of thinking outside the box, what we have here is your typical measurement nerd who will bent backwards to prove his superiority as a subject matter expert on cables.