Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?

Hello to all,

On the recent days, I noticed that a lot of manufacturers of Hifi 2 channel systems, had plenty of options in a not so long past, of active crossovers, like Luxman, Accuphase, higher end Sony stuff, and many more, why do you think HiFi manufacturers abandoned the inclusion of active cross overs, channel dividers, in their lineup?

Accuphase still makes a digital one.

Appears that this devices are only still relevant in the Pro Audio world, why Home HifI abandoned the active cross over route? It's correct to assume that?

I think that can be very interesting tri-amp a three way loudspeakers with active cross overs, would like to know more about it too...

Share your thoughts about the subject, experiences in bi-amp and tri-amp with active crossovers and etc....

What about Linn? Also appears that some multi channel amps from they have active crossover cards built in? never saw stuff like this...

You absolutely need to start doing and stop thinking. 

Grab a minidsp and a pair of stereo amps and see if you can make a working stereo pair.
Bryston offer the highly regarded 10B-SUB analog crossover (balanced or s/e), Exposure have just launched a s/e one and Emotiva's XSP-1 Gen 2 pre-amp includes one as part of the package (not to mention tone controls).

Hi Everyone,

    Happened to be looking through my threads I’ve participated in and thought you’d all be interested in my recent experience with a new crossover being made by Danville Signal Processing, the dspNexus. I met the CEO at AXPONA and volunteered to be in the early adopter program. It processes at 192K and has the highest quality DACs in each of its 8 channels. You can see all the specs on my profile in the system details. I will say my stereo has never sounded better. The room correction is so flat I’ve never seen anything like it in all my life, you can build your system virtually in Audio Weaver and the team at Danville spent many one on one hours offering assistance. If you’ve been waiting for the one, this is it. I couldn’t recommend it more, my music has never sounded better. It is eerie how real it is. 

