I don’t do Farcebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. though I’m registered on some of them just for the purpose of reading and gathering information. I’ve recently had my personal info hacked through a 3rd party business interest with my retirement fund and have to now use Experian to monitor my accounts (a free service due to the hack).
I’ve always been wary of public sharing sites no matter how innocuous and have been proven correct in that assessment. One of my sisters created a Farcebook account for me (having my personal info) which I never used and when I had my account hacked and taken over by some crooks in Poland, I finally closed out the account.
There have been bots on this site vying for info. That should set off some alarm bells. On the matter of "proudly posting my system for legitimacies sake", get a life. I’ve already posted shots of it in a few posts anyway for illustrative purposes in a few threads and that’s enough for me.
Pride of ownership is one thing but flying your flag reeks of needing attention and/or exclusivity, as if that makes you more serious than the next guy.
All the best,