why does triod mode sound better than ultralinear?

I know this has been debated.... I just bought a CJ MV-60. It is factory set for ulta linear. It can be reconfigured for triod but it takes a mod. I'm just wondering why it *should* sound better... I would hate to give up 1/2 the power without understanding why.


Showing 1 response by marakanetz

the shorter the signal path the greater the sound. under this theory SET is the best with single- power tube and possibly directly coupled(OTL). there are not too many speakers that are efficient and full range and in cases otherwise the greater power is needed.
i use triode mode in my VTLs despite having low-efficient speakers on the following reasons:
1. i have a small listening distance
2. i can hear more notes and instruments where every part of instrument is so clearly heard that you can hear button switching noise even in big bands.