Why do you give bad advice?

Now I'm not talking about different opinions or an honest mistake, but a response that is clearly bad advice. Here's just one example.

Poster states that due to living in a small town and no larger town in a reasonable driving distance, he has no way to audition, so he's looking for helpful advice in considering an upgrade.

Then I see responses like, listen to as many as you can before deciding, take whatever to your local dealer to see how well they match, or find a good brick and mortar dealer to audition.

I see this happening more, so maybe it's just a sign of the times that many don't take the time to read the entire post and only respond to the title.

OK, that's my little rant for the day.

Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

Any opinion expressed here should be taken with a varying sized salt sample...including my own.  ejr1953 has it right, and the depth of the opinion will vary with the level of esoteria involved.  And as the esoteria level rises, the level of advocacy for the offered opinion also gets more intense...

....well, that's what I've noticed.....IMHO. *L*
Case in point:

Thread "Are audiophiles still out of their minds?" is Still roaring on.  Like watching a slow motion cat fight at times.  But some live for conflict apparently....
Hey, Watts!  It's not all that bad all the time. *G*  That particular forum had all the earmarks of becoming a 'black hole' around page 2.  I'd return just to see if it had calmed down...see if anyone had mopped up yet...;)

Mapman, it just seems that it's become increasingly difficult to parse good from bad in the advice whirl'd.  The item under discussion might work spectacularly for one user and absolutely suck for another.  Likely due to the variations in what said item finds itself in, attached to a whole different set of parameters....
I have this suspicion that, given two identical computers, that even if one was to match keystroke to keystroke and maintaining absolute duplication, that the little buggers would still respond differently after awhile.  Applying this to AI makes me slightly paranoid, but I pick and choose what I let into my life.  Including advice.....;)