Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?

Hello all,

Sometimes I find myself wondering why there is so little newer music in my library. Now, before you start in with rants about "New music is terrible!", I found this rather interesting article on the topic. (SFW)


With the maturing of streaming as a music delivery platform, and the ease of being able to surf new artists and music, it might be time to break my old listening habits and find some newer artists.

Happy listening. 



Showing 1 response by asvjerry

@dekay .....MTSWSO will Kill....(...start collecting shells...*L*)

'Cute' stuff like that can make one 'noid of inannimate things...appolgise to the countertop composed of ancient seashells....😏

I refuse to age gracefully, if only on some sort of principal.

Enjoy all sorts of mixtapes, X v. Y v. Z stuff...  Thinking of getting into a reserved sort of shuffle dancing to stay nimble....one step ahead is good. ;)

Like to work while listening to UNKLE stuff of late, nice long stuff in the background..  Enjoy the Walsh or dive into the 'phones....