Why do people that are Into rap and hip-hop even want a high-end audio system

Until recently I always thought that guys into high-end audio listened to Classical, Jazz, Blues and some classic rock. I never knew that some listened to rap or hip hop. It would seem to me that rap or hip-hop would sound better on a low to mid-fi system rather than a high-end system. What do you think?

Showing 20 responses by calvinj

Oh, I'm sorry the high end country clubs don't let rap lovers in? Or do they if you can do the whip and the nae nae. Lol. 

Because we listen to jazz, blues, pop, r&b and sometimes it mixes all together. There are some people who don't always fit into the rap/thug checkbox. I respect rock, jazz, blues, Latin Jazz etc. etc. Lightnin Hopkins" Blues Hoot" Duke Pearson "The Right Touch" two albums that would blow most others away.  Actually my two favorite albums. Blues and Jazz. The line up for musicians on the Right Touch is a whose who of great musicians. Ask a lot of rock bands and the respect for Lightnin Hopkins is legendary. Some of the hip hop guys listen to other things. It's called musical versatility. You should try it one day. Some of us know more about genres that what's been played on the radio the last 3 years. If I comment on it I have listened to it extensively on my high end system.

Too short's album Get in where you fit in. Has an instrumental called "The Ghetto Reprise". He had an old school funk guitarist play the instrumental.  Listen to Mos Def "Umi Says" It's actually the theme song for Nike commercials. Great musicians on that one.  
@lowrider57 yup financially the surburban fan is the key.   They spend more on concert tickets fashion and media as a whole.  A lot of the rap entrepreneurs have figured that out and maximize this opportunity. Rap is in arenas now more than ever. It's more lucrative than ever because of the grandkids of the baby boomers who children moved out to suburbia to start their families. 12 to 25 year old Caucasian fan bases are the financial key to the recent success financially of the rap genre. Look on YouTube and see who is sitting at the front row of the concerts.  It's not the 13%of African American population.  About 5% of African Americans can't stand rap so it's not the 8% that's left that drives rap.   It's primarily Caucasian suburbia as well as rural America. 
Rap came from the people not from a school program. It was destined to happen and dominate the music scene and culture like it is now.  Blues came from, rock came from ,jazz came from, rap came from same cultural lineage. They deny it though. Lol.  
@ml8764ag Falling in to what traps.  He knows what he is doing.  We all know what his "language" means.  If you think folks are not smart enough to see what he is doing then you are slow. Music is music I listen to it all. I respect it all.  I guess I will get put on punishment because I fell for the trap.  Lol.  It's only music!
He is not asking a question? He is stating his opinion from the jump. Everybody answering this knows that and they know what he means and his motives behind it. Ah duh.  Lol.
You know people like me are not supposed to have high end systems because of the stereotype. They are the non-thugs. Lol.  The so called purists who want to be refined

Yes shame on me for seeing through the code words and other sneak disses.  Shame on me.

@tostadosunidos you are so right.  I knew in the beginning that this conversation would go the way it has and I feel that all of this has taken away from the music. Therefore, I'm not going to continue in this path with this thread.  Great observation. Don't talk. Just listen.  
I just had one last comment. The assumption that a rap fan couldn't appreciate a high end system is extremely stereotypical and usually comes from the type of folks that I would consider way beneath me. The kind of folks that I don't even bother to engage in conversation with. It's audiophile snooty at its worst. It's what music is not about. The sad part about it all is that we would never hear each other's system or listen in the same room for various reasons I will not discuss on this thread. So to everyone, enjoy your music. People don't matter who you wouldn't care to have around you or your audio system as long as you enjoy what comes out your speakers. That is all that matters.  
Not saying it in that way. I try to make it a point to be snobbish. I consider that kind of snobbery way beneath my standards.  I shouldn't go back and forward with the high brows in a nutshell.  Lol. Enjoy your music and this thread.  Happy listening.  
Nope there is no moderation. It is what it is.  Started a whole thread directed at me. Lol. Just because I'm hip hop and refined.  Lol. 
Look, this the funny part, if Vandersteen or any other manufacturer knew I had the money to buy their best speaker they would be busting a rhyme and would rap till the whole room was breakdancing. This is a business are you kidding me? They should if it makes the sale. Let's be for real!!! 
I've had revel, sonus faber, Vienna acoustics, b&w. I had a chance to purchase Vandersteen, Magico and Dali epicon if I wanted them. I've had long term demos with veloce and allnic Man my audio listening buddy had high end German Voxtiv. My Texas dealer had soulutions with raidho d-5 in a separate home listening cottage before he passed away.  He had a speaker bucket list before he died and he went through many. My other buddy has yg acoustics with dartzeel  None of this stuff impresses me to a point to where I would call anybody and care if they would let me put rap on their speakers.  I've had access to a lot of gear. Nothing has impressed me like the raidho/soulutions system on the high end. I enjoy my kr audio/gato fm6/ear acute/ resonessence mirus dac combo a lot. The last 7 years I've been on a audio odesssey few ever go on. So the mountain has been climbed for me. If I like it I do.  If I don't I tell folks.  Enjoy yours system. 
Yup.  It's funny.  There you go.  You should be happy now.  You can feel better about how refined you are now.  You know no wires save yourself some money.  Lol.  2 chainz and Mbl. Great video.  Funny.  Y'all will have a ball with that. Taters I know you were bobbing your head when they put that 2 chainz song on. Lol.  But you won't ever admit it.  Boom! 
I almost bought one of his speakers here in Texas at Audio Concepts it was actually an option because it's non fatiguing and a great soundstage. Look he has his speakers.  That's great for him. When I listen for high end I listen to be bop jazz non-vocal. I'm pretty sure he speaker does a great job doing it all. I'm not buying another speaker.  I'm happy with what I have. It's not one that 100 other guys have and it does what I like well the most my jazz. 
The people at Mbl made a video with the rapper 2 chainz.  YouTube it.  Lol.  Boom.   Lol.  
So, let me get this right? I'm supposed to call somebody. Give them an insane amount of money for a speaker. Then I get to listen to him disapprove of my music and get permission to listen to it. Then I get to watch my speaker go down in value the minute I leave the store and the rappers are the dumb guys. Really? So, I have to beg a guy for forgiveness after paying an insane amount of money because I occasionally listen to rap. Look Vandersteen makes a great speaker but this is thread is a laughingstock. I'm sorry that some guys only feel adequate because of their speakers and how refined their music is.  Man I feel sorry for y'all.  The stuff the rappers say makes more sense than these threads. Lol.  This is comedy.  Man do you think that anyone cares about somebody's opinion outside of a couple hundred people at best. Why would anyone on an audio Internet thread care about guys music opinions he will never meet and if he did he probably wouldn't care for their company.  I'm pretty sure I can find a good speaker company that is willing to take an insane amount of cash of my hands with zero restrictions.  Lol.  Man keep doing your high school book club secret handshakes and have fun. Good job fellas. Really smart. I guess all the rap has affected my intelligence because I'm clearly wrong here.  Lol.  This is a nerd fest.lol