Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers?

Hello, just curious on this subject. I have seen threads where folks ask for advice on how to allocate their budget and this topic comes up. I also see systems posted on various forums where folks have $10K-$20K in gear driving $2K-$5K in speakers and wonder why. I have traditionally been a speakers first person as that is where I have noticed the greatest differences. For those that allocate more on gear vs speakers what are your reasons? No judgement, I am just interested in hearing another point of view.


Showing 1 response by tk21

I’ve spent about $20K on my current set-up. About half that was on the floor-standing speakers plus a small subwoofer. I might spring for a bigger/better subwoofer at some point. However, it seems like most of the interesting innovations are in the electronics. Lately, for example, Gallium Nitride is a new (?) wrinkle in class D amps. Or suddenly, somebody will release a new DAC chip with bold claims for improved detail or better imaging. A few companies are integrating optical fiber technology into their server/streamer components. Meanwhile, loudspeaker technology doesn’t seem to change all that much. I’ll take a chance on ordering an electric component for $3K-$5K, then send it back if not satisfied. That is harder to do with a big, heavy pair of loudspeakers. Furthermore, unless you over-drive them, loudspeakers don’t often fail and almost never become "obsolete". Some of us would not say the same about CD players, MP3s, cassette tape decks, AM radio, tuners/receivers ... and maybe record players.  Still, on my current set-up (not counting every component I've traded in or stored away), I've spent about as much on speakers as on all the electronics put together.