Why do almost all women today hate home audio?

Why do almost all (99%) of women never seriously, sit, and listen to home audio through even one album?

I knew many, many women that listened, and had there own stereos, in the late 60's and 70's.

They even had big record collections, and some even had real-to-real tape recorders.

Why did they disappear?

What changed?


@robertgagnon - you might want to check out who most contemporary pop artists are today and who their audiences primarily are... 

Czarivey said;


’I have in my store 50/50 man and woman shopping vinyl.
Don’t know what you’re really talking about.
If it’s depletion of an interest in home audio and vinyl, it affects both equally.’

Lol, I’d like to know on what planet you are living my dear sir. In my many decades on the earthly plain, I rarely have come across females that like audio HiFi as a hobby. In fact many are openly hostile to it as it invades upon their idea of ‘house beautiful’. I also can understand why many consider their husbands to have gone barmy, what with the regulary insane amounts of money we justify and sink into our hobby. Many women consider this hobby a form of addiction (and there is often more than a grain of truth to that).


I'd have to agree that, in almost all respects, this is a niche market. Few people care enough to truly devote to it. Let's just accept it and continue on our merry way.

@robertgagnon - Happy to help provide some enlightenment, Robert - I don't get many chances to do that! 🤣