Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?

I have an opportunity to build another system and I'm looking to mix up the sound I seek and it occurred to me to ask the 'goners! So..... why did you choose the components in your current system? In other words- what was important to you when building it? 
I needed a very  small apartment system for music that sounded good regardless of placement and volume. I was fortunate enough to buy Aerial 5T and Parasound Hint 6 used, and i connected my old Marantz CD-67se and its perfect for me. I put the Aerials on good stands away from a wall just to maximize the sound. Rich and smooth sound with a bit of warmth that sound good at low volumes but really open up at louder volumes (when my neighbors are away).
When I bought a pair of Magnepan's A LOT of gear needed to be changed/upgraded. I am, however VERY happy and my system has never sounded better and my musical enjoyment has never been higher or more involved.For some reason the Maggies make me want to consistently tweek and upgrade. Fuses to Schumann generators. I never went to these lengths before owning Magnepan's????  Every little increase in performance the speakers let you hear it. They are goose bump creatorsIt's BS that they can't produce bas btw. I ditched my sub after I upgraded my amp....
My gear like my music have to excite me;  it has to make me happy.  Perception is everything.  I have to believe in it and feel that I’m lucky for owning it.  My system makes me happy even when it’s powered off;  even when I’m away and thinking about it.  I think tonearms are works of art,  NAB hub adapters are eye candy, and big heavy tube amps are sexy.  I love gear.  As for sound I grew up and live in downtown Nashville listening to loud live music through Fender guitar amps and PA’s.  You don’t just hear the music, you feel it, you experience it. These are all things that influence how I choose my components and speakers.
I got really great deal for them for the Main basement system. Aerial 10t are true performance champions for $1000 price tag paid on tag sale 
for secondary system I got great deal on BW DM604 $100 at another tag sale.
seek and it occurred to me to ask the 'goners! So..... why did you choose the components in your current system?
Please research the top 2 Point Source speaker labs.
Voxativ and AER. 
Before you decide to buy any speaker.
There are hundreds of used speakers on the market, but do consider new Point Source. 
based on my 40 yrs as audiophile. 
For amps go tube
Any  one will do just fine. 
But my prefered is Cayin and Jadis.
Source, tube cd player, Or tube DAC, Prima Luna or Shanling. 
I am using a Shanling as the Drive and a Jadis DAC, bought used, these are quite expensive new. 
Hope that helps ya.