Why did you choose a horn based loudspeaker?

Seems horns or waveguides have become more acceptable to modern audiophiles. So I ask horn owners why did you select a horn based system over the other options in loudspeakers? I myself mostly for dynamic range, lack of compression, image size and little to no listener fatigue. Plus I find a horn loudspeakers to be interesting in design and in appearance. I have a large collection of vintage and modern horn systems as well as dynamic loudspeakers.After 30 years of trying designing etc today I mostly prefer fully front loaded horn speakers. I know that horn speakers still are controversial but please try to be civil.

Showing 1 response by islandmandan

I've never had a proper set of horn loudspeakers, but I've always wanted to. Back in the old days, I had friends and acquaintences that had VOTT or Klipschorns, and I always enjoyed hearing them.

I was introduced to Tannoys late 60's, and used them until late the 80's. After years with B&W and Dynaudio, I have gone back to Tannoy, so I could more readily use tubes and SET's.

This is the best I've had to date, Tannoy HPD 315's with an SET 300B amp. This has positioned me to be able to use a full-blown horn system, which I'd still like to try, but the HPD's are working exceptioally well for me.

My large listening room would be great with horns, but the Tannoys have a grip on my heart that may not go away.

Nice thread, enjoy and regards,