Why did this just happen ?

Folks ,

I have been using an old (2012) iMac with a 1TB SS drive for years. It is connected to an old Benchmark USB DAC that feeds my refurbished(2X) Audio Research SP IX mark 2 preamp into my Quicksilver KT88 mono blocks that feed my Pro Ac SE’s. 

I just bought a used 2020 MacBook Pro($400.00) to replace the old iMac. I connected it to my USB DAC via a usb C to usb converter.

AND BAM ! The resolution is stunning. I would equate it to a $5K upgrade in any part of my chain. It is truly an ear opener.

What did this ?

The USB C ?, The MacBook isn’t doing anything but output the data to my USB DAC.

I would love to hear from any of you who might know the reason for this wonderful improvement.



Since I'm not an Apple anything fan....

If you're using a pc, m/bs' for gaming will help since the concept is speed at all costs....this includes audio as well as video.

Apply the best soundcard you can rationally afford, as audio 'cues' in games can mean the difference in 'game life v. death'.  Comments from players about 'hearing something from Behind You' early enough to respond to avoid having you butt handed to you....

Max your RAM with the fastest you can find for the m/b and processor...'garbage in = garbage out' still applies...

Look....the bulk of pcs' and macstuff is aimed at the 'average abuser'.

Bite the process and Build a 'puter that will do what You want it to.

You can still use your DAC....although that process happens in your laptop daily.

(...I'm in a rare PO'd state, and tired of 'hearing' "...I spent XK$ on a DAC/streamer/magic box that I'm disappointed with..." which has the basically the same innards as a 'built puter' for more or less the same outlay....

For 'techno types' as most seem to aspire to or claim...

...y'all are disappointing....


...and y'all can start flinging dog waste at me now....

I think it’s the sampling rate, dropped bits, or elimination of noise on the USB. PCM uses packets to wrap up and send information. If it runs out of time, it drops bits. The cost is resolution. Computers are getting better and better at this. It’s why I went to DSD back in the day. 

Full disclosure - I’m an analog guy. I do use a PC for my digital (the horror) but I do not stream. Everything I listen to I have spent the past 25 years recording and cataloging myself from analog sources. For how I use it, it’s fine for me. Say what you want to say about PC/Mac as a source, I don’t have enough years left on this planet to redo that work. You didn’t say if you were streaming or playing from your drive. If you’re going to consider a streamer and you have cataloged your songs, I would look very hard at the interface and how it could hold onto that information. 

Regardless, this sounds like a good problem to have. Congrats and enjoy.