Why bogus retail price from some sellers?

Why do some sellers pump up the list price? I am looking for a pair Harbeth P3ESR'S for a friend. The list price is $2100 before dealer discount of at least 10% off. There is a listing here of a damaged pair for $1800. The guy has the retail price at $2800 and shipping 3 times the real cost. Do they think that people don't do any research before buying?
Just curious!

Showing 1 response by shadorne

Yes most resellers give the last highest retail price. So an amp bought at the beginning of production run might be listed with a new retail price of the most recent last sold new amp which could be as much as 15 years younger. The new retail price may have been 50% less at the time. Many dealers sell old stuff at close to new original retail price. I saw one dealer added $1700 to the amplifier list price for used quality NOS tubes - when asked how long the previous owner had used those tubes in a 10 year old amp - a deathly silence and communication stopped - so the tubes could be 10 years old (partially or nearly entirely used up) and the now rare NOS tubes probably cost a small fraction of $1700 10 years ago.

You can’t make this stuff up. It is like the pristine used car I drove an hour to see to find the entire back roof and rear door smashed in from being hit by a garage door (no mention on the listing).

Many stores sell used vinyl “clean” copies for more than original retail price...you can’t make this stuff up.

Frankly I don’t know why sellers do this to themselves. Unrealistic pricing just means no sales for months even years or perhaps these sellers count in the bigger fool principle.