Why audiophiles are different (explained with color)

A very interesting video on color and color perception. How it comes into being.

In the act of doing so, it illustrates how the complexity of the high end audio world comes into existence.. 

at the same time it explains how we end up with almost what you would call 'violent detractors'. Negative detractors.

People unable to discern nuance. Audio haters. As in .....non evolved people, regarding audio.

This is not a put down, it merely uses the words to describe the position in life they are in at the time. They may evolve more into the given audio directions, or they may not. It is a matter of will, choice, time, and innate capacity to do so.

Why The Ancient Greeks Couldn't See Blue

Showing 9 responses by asvjerry


"Y'all are talking (well, Typing) 'food for thought', but up to now lacks carbs."

Example of the correct usage of *y'all*; y'all are welcome. ;)

Back to more elitist dribble, don't let me soil, I mean, Spoil the fun...
Y'all stop using 'y'all' so much, 'cuz y'all don't have a clue as to what y'all are exposing y'alls' selves to with the overindulgence of using 'y'all' in such a trivial fashion.....I mean, y'all are courting a serious form of damage to y'alls' psychic senselessness....

...and y'all ought to know better....;)
I'm not kidding....it'll F all y'all up....

The only worse thing that surpasses the All Y'all Alliteration Activity is a pointless argument over how ones' hearing is mo' betta' than someone else's.....when all y'all are in a online forum with absolutely no means of proving eithers' superiority other than typing sheer blather at each other in defense/offense over it....

@mahgister...liked the duo; even with hearing aids I hear (and get) your point.

There...argue amongst selves whether or not, because of my use of aids, that my listening 'skills' aren't valid, or 'phile'....or listening to equipment through another level of 'equipment' invalidates what I hear is 'correct' or 'true to source'....

I'm going to bed...pop quiz tomorrow.
Sharpen your similes.....you may need it.
....as this dissection of strangled Thinglish descends into the maw of contraction distractions...."y'all" for "All of you", "ya" for "Yes".... 

Color didn't exist until 'umans started arguing about what the *!* 'that' appeared to look like to each other...which required some semblance of language to make that attempt.

The 'Era of Confusion', whereas an Enormous amount of time and whacking each other on the head brought some semblance of acceptance that a particular grunt meant 'that'.

Later, what a 'sound' meant to each other.....

It's only gotten worse.

Next concept.

Happy Fryday.
(...a sullen silence descends...."OMG, he's Here....WTF, there's nowhere to escape...")

Put the coffee down....no, I don't care what you put into it to make mornings' more 'tolerable'....and, Yes, I've had my cardio meds...I'm not likely to 'expire', and allow for escape....;)
Re: Color

Have any of you been exposed to the Pantone Matching System?
(aka, PMS #xxxx)

It will make you beyond merely crazy.
The desecrator that asks:  "Can you give me something between PMS4752 and PMS4753?"

Simple violent death seems too.....inappropo....
Skinning verrrrry sloowwwllllyyy with a stone knife of salt comes to mind...