Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?

It's really tiring. Audiophools, Snake Oil, why buy this/that. I don't give a rip what others do, although I like to read about it but none of my business. I'm just not geared that way. People want to buy a Lambo, 10,000 buck cables, 100,000 buck loudspeakers, it's no skin off my nose yet some people are obsessed with what others do. I don't get it. 


Showing 2 responses by nonoise

Ever notice how some say they don't have a dog in this fight and end up on a soapbox tugging at the leash before they finish? 

All the best,

Neither do I.
Ain't nobodies bidness but my own....

Maybe some are thinking they're the equivalent of today's armchair journalists and investigators, out to right all wrongs. The instant celebrity status some have garnered has turned way too many into thinking they can be the next, great social influencer, or some other rubbish like that.

Don't get me wrong: some are doing society (at large) a favor with some really good work but for the most part, the internet has replaced TV as the vast wasteland.

All the best,