Why Are People So Concerned About How Others Spend Their Money?

It's really tiring. Audiophools, Snake Oil, why buy this/that. I don't give a rip what others do, although I like to read about it but none of my business. I'm just not geared that way. People want to buy a Lambo, 10,000 buck cables, 100,000 buck loudspeakers, it's no skin off my nose yet some people are obsessed with what others do. I don't get it. 


Showing 5 responses by charles1dad

@falconquest  and @whipsaw 

Exactly! It all is dependant on what people value and are passionate about. I know folks who are into boating and highend/custom motorcycles.  They spend a considerable  amount of money to acquire what they want. They are not into audio at all. Their perspective is 10K spent to assemble an audio system is "crazy"!  But 100K for the boat of their dreams is perfectly reasonable. 

What makes a person happy and emotionally fulfilled? This is as individual as anything could possibly be. So again from my perspective,  people should keep their noses out of how other adults choose to spend their money. This applies to this forum. If someone desires 50k speakers or a 5K phono cartridge (or cable) it's no one else's business to feel the need to mock or scold them.


Hi @onhwy61

I clearly see your point with the home/real estate analogy. Homes are in most cases bought for shelter and certainly to some extent as an appreciating investment asset over the course of time. In your example, yes one is definitely a wiser purchase than the other.

High End audio (At least for me) is more in the realm of a pleasure purchase rather than a need/necessity of a home (We all have to live and survive somewhere). It seems that audio is more guided by emotion and desire to enhance one’s connection to the joy of listening to music. I think this is in some ways more complex as it incorporates personal factors that determine satisfaction and happiness.

So for example someone with ample disposable income wants to buy a Robert Koda Takumi preamplifier. Someone else vehemently objects and says a Don Sachs preamplifier is excellent, far cheaper and just makes far more sense. The Koda  Takumi is a waste of money and foolish decision and you’re a gullible idiot (I’ve seen comments to this effect on this forum).


A person is berated by a stranger very critical and disapproving of how disposable income is spent (That is not his by the way). Absolutely none of their business and just plain wrong in my opinion. Different from the house buying scenario you submitted.




@onhwy61 ,

To me there’s a very clear distinction between inquiry regarding budget so that one can tailor their response and be more specific (Helpful?) with recommdations of potential products. For example, it the speaker budget is 5K then you wouldn’t suggest Magico S5 speakers. That is not being judgemental, but rather it’s being considerate and respectful of stated monetary limits.

If  on the other hand someone says their preamplifier budget is 20K and someone responses with, only a fool would pay that kind of money. You can get a preamplifier just as good for 3K. That’s judgemental, arrogant and rude. This type of reponse is a person asserting their own person standard’s or limits onto another. Big difference.



Well as you can see, you aren't the only one annoyed by this type of behavior (I'm sure you knew that). I attribute it to simple (And common) envy and jealousy. I have zero concern or issue with how another adult decides to spend "their" money. It's absolutely no one else's business. This envious attitude seems more prevalent the last few years on this site.
