Why are people paying these stupid tube prices?

Just ordered a set of 4 KT150 power tubes for $139.00 each yes it is more than a year ago but $350.00 each $1400.00 for a quad. 

Simply crazy dude. 



Showing 3 responses by tony1954


"Maybe if people didn’t buy $200 headphone amps and burn up rare tubes for mediocre sound we wouldn’t have this problem"

I believe Marie Antoinette was of the same opinion when she said...... 

"Let them eat cake."

This sort of arrogant elitism is why many people are disgusted by


Time for a reality check, buddy. The rest of the world isn't here to serve you.



I must agree with @ketchup . I had no idea what your original post meant until there were subsequent posts to help decipher it.


"Yes, it is a prevalent pattern to get to see folks rolling rare vintage tubes into cheap chi-fi or even cheap Schiit amps, especially headphone gear. ....... On the upside you can buy their tubes after they move onto the next flavor of them month."

Perhaps it would be best if we just prevented anyone that wasn't part of your elite group from purchasing any tubes at all. That way, the people that deserve all the best in life, like YOU, will keep the best things in life for yourselves.