Why are people paying these stupid tube prices?

Just ordered a set of 4 KT150 power tubes for $139.00 each yes it is more than a year ago but $350.00 each $1400.00 for a quad. 

Simply crazy dude. 



Showing 11 responses by oddiofyl

It was sarcasm,  but if you visit any headphone site you will see people rolling precious nos into chi fi amps.....


"Maybe if people didn’t buy $200 headphone amps and burn up rare tubes for mediocre sound we wouldn’t have this problem"

I believe Marie Antoinette was of the same opinion when she said...... 

"Let them eat cake."

This sort of arrogant elitism is why many people are disgusted by


Time for a reality check, buddy. The rest of the world isn't here to serve you.


I am 100 % a Blue Collar guy.    You don’t know me at all,  I am 100% correct in what I say about the absolute waste of rare NOS tubes in complete junk.  You are the same douche that buys that piece of crap and whines about how it sounds like crap with NOS this or that.  Give me a break 

way too much gouging going on.   There are reputable dealers that have had only modest increases ....   thank god im fully stocked for multiple re-tubes on everything I own .  

I was told  by a reputable source that WE will be producing small signal tubes and power tubes .....not might, will be

Only common,  and desirable tubes are being gouged..   My forthcoming amp uses e180f for the driver / input position,  I just picked up a pair of NOS Telefunken for $150.   A lot , sure , but imagine if they were CCA or 12ax7?    I bought Mullard and Amperex e180f and they were between $6 and $20 each for true nos.   First time in 20 years getting a break on the price of tubes.

Maybe if people didn’t buy $200 headphone amps and burn up rare tubes for mediocre sound we wouldn’t have this problem

I'm not expecting WE tubes to be inexpensive,  I  just bought two pair of 300b.  What I do expect is for them to be of high quality.   

There is a Darkstar amp for sale local to me….  Comes with hundreds of dollars worth of “NOS” tubes …. $350

Makes no sense to use unobtainium holy grail tubes in stuff like like that ….not being snobby, just practical.   

I can't believe it, but I just paid $300 for a pair of 1950's NOS RCA Black  plate 12AX7 and $150 for 1950's 12AU7 ......    Unobtanium and worth it.   

That's right. ....they don't make em anymore.    I have purchased from this seller before and tubes were time capsule condition