I've mentioned this before so forgive me, but I first laid eyes and ears on Hendrix at a 1967 Santa Barbara show (I was visiting from Honolulu) with Moby Grape and Tim Buckley...Buckly opened, Grape closed. My 16 year old mind was blown and remains so. My friend who was with me got the tix because we were Buckley fans...At the end of his set Hendrix tossed his Strat up over his amp ripping through the large light show screen (must have been paper, and they must have cleared people out of the way) and crashing down backstage...yay...Grape, who closed the show, were also astonishing.
Whole Lotta Led
My Zeppelin stampers dont get played much these days.
In fact, the entire genre is collecting dust.
I am however, looking forward to seeing this
IMAX- should be a fun watch