whole house surge protector

Hi all-

I'm having some electrical work done on my house and my electrician is recommending that he install a whole house surge protector on the electrical panel.  This seems like a good idea, but I am wondering if I will experience any negative effects in terms of sound quality on my stereo system?  (I do currently have my audio system on a dedicated line.)



Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

@erik_squires , +1,

The whole house surge protector does nothing until it senses a power surge.

When it trips, it will sacrifice itself, and in turn protect your equipment downstream.

Adding additional surge protection near sensitive equipment will enhance this effect.

-And, considering that high current equipment, like amplifiers, are often negatively affected by surge protectors/power regulators, it makes sense to employ a whole house surge protector at the mains as it will give you some peace of mind should the worst happen.
