Who will soon be going to a live concert?

A friend and I bought tickets to see Emmylou Harris on Oct. 5th in Santa Rosa CA. Proof of vaccination is required. I wouldn't go otherwise.

Showing 4 responses by docknow

I have been to 11 live shows from 9/2020 till this week.  Hospital grade N95 masks on till I was vaccinated, then off, till middle of July, when it was clear Delta was circulating in my area.  The Beacon did a great job not only checking proof of vaccination, for this week's King Crimson concert, but also everyone's IDs to make sure they match the card.  So, the risk of having many virus infected people inside the theater was low (there were probably a few though).  Combined with a good N95 mask (95% effective) (cloth masks are theater (10-50% eff), surgical masks are made to protect the patient, not the surgeon (70% eff)), I was quite safe.

As an MD-PhD scientist with over 40 years of research and clinical experience, with particular experience working on mRNA, I will make a plug for the mRNA vaccines.  They are incredible products.  Game changers for medicine going forward.  They are also super simple at the molecular level.  They have less than a dozen components.  It's just a piece of mRNA and a mixture of fats that encapsulate it, enabling the mRNA to get inside the cells.  As a general rule in medicine, simple has less side effects.

Be safe everyone!

@three_easy_payments:  I think "what death rate is acceptable to remove all the covid policies?", isn't the key question.  The question is, "what is our hospital/oxygen/ICU capacity, including the health and well-being of the doctors, nurses and staff, and what % of those capacities do we need to be at to remove all COVID-19 restrictions and mandates?".  It's really a health capacity issue, and then secondarily a financial issue.  All of us are paying lots of money to treat those that get sick enough to be in the hospital.  Folks with heart attacks, car accidents, etc. are paying with poor care due to over-worked staff and not enough beds.  It all about ability of our system to deliver care.
Saw two amazing live concerts last week ...

10/21: The Kronos Quartet, who played three world premiers, it was exceptional: https://kronosquartet.org/events/detail/new-york-new-york-46/

10/22: Solo Chris Thile.  My 11th time seeing him since the pandemic started.  He continues to improve.  Also played three songs I had never heard him play, after seeing him 24 times.

Support the artists and venues you love!!!