I tried 3 Interconnects direct from my DAC to amps. Two amps were integrated, one was not and volume was used with the Audirvana player on my PC.
1 Moon Audio Black Dragon 3 ft.
2 Moon Audio Silver Dragon 1.5ft.
Better Cables Silver Serpent 1.5 ft.
A few weeks ago we compared #1 to some Amazon Interconnects and 3 out of 3 of us, two were blind noticed quite a big difference. This time, 1 and 3 sounded about the same. Then we tested 1 vs 2 on 3 different amps. In every cars we could hear the difference. 3 - silver was brighter. It is what I would choose for detailed listing, but it would become fatiguing much sooner. My buddy liked the 1 set better in all situations. I thought 2 were better on one system. For the money - #3 was a great way to go.
My net is they absolutely matter on a clean system vs the very low cost cables. $20 vs $300 mattered. $100 vs $300 not so much. And silver (bought used on eBay) near double the price were different. But different like how you might tune an EQ. I have not compared to anything higher priced. I expect I might discern a difference.
I was surprised that there is a difference, but there is.