Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.

Showing 28 responses by djones51

I'm not following you, is the Indra a game changing product or a second rate piece of junk? 
Limomangus I must be crazier than you I use canare 4s11 speaker wire on speakers that cost 3x yours. By my estimation you're sane. 
The speaker cable elf could swap out my cheapo cables for uber $$$ silver magic cables and I would never hear a difference. The speakers themselves and room acoustics affect what you hear way more than some wire. 
I hope this isn't true or we'll never find a vaccine for Covid-19. 

Objective proof with a volontary crowd of guinea pigs and a repeatable experiment not so....
It's not really that hard mahgister. I come to your house and you step outside while I change 1 speaker cable  or not. I touch nothing else. I blindfold you,  you come back in sit in your favorite place and tell me which cable I changed or didn't.  Get it right 8 out of 10 times you have your objective proof a cable matters. 
You didn’t insult me. If I couldn’t take a little disagreement over cables I don’t belong on the internet.
LOL, I use the USB cable that came with my integrated amp. I don't think digital out sounds any better than USB anymore. It's simply my subjective opinion. I always used and thought coax sounded the best until my most recent foray into using USB. I think it's improved a lot the last few years for audio. 
Aside from a basic business approach and the well know phenomenon there is always a certain percentage that never return anything the 200 hour or however many hour break in  gives the customer time to get used to the product. I had a speaker manufacturer tell me it took a couple hundred hours break in, for me not the speakers they would be optimal when I got them since they test them all before shipping. 
I haven't heard of engine break-in , in at least 25 or 30 years. They used to have break-in oil. That's really going back. 
The last 5 scag zero turn mowers I had I didn't baby them they ran flat out from day one. Break-in myth still being peddled. 

djones51 - I would recommend "Evidence That Demands A Verdict"

Why?  The implication was atheists look for evidence to support their position. I don't think the book you're recommending does that. I'm not questioning anyone's beliefs.
I'm not following your logic. I'm an atheist but I've never looked for any evidence to support it. I'm not sure where I would look or why. 

Can’t believe that people still think that cables don’t make a difference

I guess I could really blow your mind if I said I don't think DACs make all that much difference anymore either. At least if you're looking for transparency not coloration. 

That’s how faith works. IOW, to the faithful, no evidence is necessary, and to a non-believer, no evidence is possible.

Evidence is always possible. 
It is my understanding that with VERY low capacitance pre-to-amp interconnects, which the HPC is, and and an equally low amp-input-impedance, a resonance circuit

I might be wrong but I think this is only important (capacitance of cable) between a turntable and associated phono cartridge and your preamp.
I've been told I'm deaf or my system is junk all the time when I don't notice differences in cables or DACs. This guy right above me ridicules me all the time. 
I've never said people are hallucinating but are not controlling for biases which can affect your perception. Those are not the same things when someone says they hear differences I believe them. They do hear differences the thing I question is why. Is it really the cable or is it their perfectly normal human biases. 
Now you're saying it's what you "subjectively hear" if you would have started this thread with that instead of 
" There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference."
then this thread would have died 350 posts ago. 

Truth is not experience, object, or opinion, or even concept, it is the emptiness where all there is is »- written on a china wall in ruins.
Those crazy eastern philosophies. In yoga there are the 5 yamas the first ahimsa is non-violence the second is satya, truthfulness. Centuries ago it was the other way around but they changed it. Why would they do that? The first was always considered the most important and truthfulness held that honored position for a long time but followers of Pantanjali kept fighting over what truth meant so it was changed and placed behind non-violence. Doesn't mean anything something that entered my mind reading your post. 
It sounds like some think audiophiles are a different species that didn't evolve with the same biases as Homosapiens. I wonder if their visual acuity is as unbiased and special as their aural they would make great eyewitnesses as opposed to mere humans. 
Why do you assume cable skeptics don't read the white papers a few of these companies put out? Go online and look at Canare 4s11 star quad wire the varience in numbers between them and iconoclast isn't enough to worry about.
The white papers referenced by kennyc about the iconoclast speaker cables is written on Belden Stationary. Did they pay Iconoclast?

Here's a link to Canare "marketing".  

I can't argue with that if you want an expensive cable as statement pieces and want to splurge on them it's not my money. 
Not really pfhjvb0. Just a bunch of silly nonsense, very few on this site are interested in how any of these things work just subjective "but but it sounds better" with no controls involved or explanation as to how.