Who's done it besides me ?

The worst thing you could do while playing some vinyl snap off the *&%$# cantilever yes I did it so pissed
So my table is a Clearaudio Performance DC with Clarify arm ,Talismann cartridge ,Outer Limit weight and HRS record weight 
When to flip the record took everything off flip the record then put HRS back on when to put on the Outer Limit on and SNAP caught it with the side of my pinky I guess boron cantilever are really brittle can't find it any where accept a few shards I'm allways so careful I keep the guard and dust cover on when not using it 
So if you have totaled your cartridge how did you do it and did you replace it retip it upgraded it or down graded it like to hear your stories and you can see my rig in virtual systems 
Time to take a deep breath and pour a bourbon and no I didn't have one before LOL

Enjoy your music

Showing 1 response by yeti42

I’ve always avoided cartridges where the cantilever sticks out the front like the Lyras and Clearaudios because I know what I’m like. My lesson came cheap from my first moving coil, a Goldring Eroica L of which I bent the cantilever fitting it to a Townshend Rock mk2/rega 300.