Who is your favorite jazz pianist

With the passing of Oscar Peterson, I thought it would be great to hear some of your favorites. For me no one even came close to Oscar Peterson. He had the speed and agility of Bud and Monk, and the grace of Bill evans and brubeck. He had no equal.

Showing 1 response by ckorody

Thanks guys - you left me the gimmes - ladies and gentleman it gives me immense pleasure to present Duke Ellington and Count Basie...

I just picked up a CD with Peterson and Basie - called "Satch and Josh" very cool.

And yes of course, Tatum, Evans, Harris

Another new discovery - a CD with Tatum and Ben Webster - simply called "The Album" - magical

Among the newer guys I like Marcus Roberts and Gonzalo Rubalcaba who is a pretty amazing Cuban player - has done some neat work with Charlie Haden

But like a lot of you, I am sure gonna miss Oscar