Who is using passive preamps and why?

Seldom has there been any discussions on passive preamps in the forums and although my experience with them has been limited I have found them so far to be very enjoyable and refreshingly different. They seem to fall into their own category, somewhere between solid state and tube. Finding a preamp that is satisfing has been difficult. Some active solid state preamps can be very good but they seem to inject grain to some degree in the upper registers and some tube preamps are not too far behind. So far I think they should at least be matched up with an amp that has sufficient gain which is often overlooked. Which passives are you using and with what amp? Why do you like them?

Showing 3 responses by cerrot

I have friends who have been using attenuators since the 80s, and will never go back to an active preamp-and they have access to mega buck gear. I just bypassed my preamp with my cd player and will (probably)never add a preamp again. System synergy is key-as it always is. Most of the passives I have seen have a liberal trial policy. Impedance and output voltages, length of cables, etc., are key.
Pubul57, I don't have any direct experience with attenuators (though have done quite a bit of research on them). I have a long tome audiophile friend who has helped me for many years suggesting and auditioning gear. We have listened to alot of music together, live and recorded, and, not only do I trust his ears, but he has guided me a great deal into trusting mine. He uses attenuators - and has had the Ayre KXR, ARC Ref 5, Lamms, etc. While he says the preamps are excellent, and urged me to audition them, he uses attenuators (he only cares about sound, not how great expensive gear looks in his racks, convenience, etc). I was considering passives as my CD player was overloading my active preamp, but when I experienced the sound of my CD player direct into the amps, I just cannot believe adding any component (+ cables, etc) into that signal chain could possibly be an improvement. My decision based solely on how incredible it curently sounds and basic electronic theory. I feel the least manipulation of an audio signal, the best. While a passive would not necessarilly manipulate (definately not amplify, which usualy always distorts)the signal, it does add cables, etc (either transformers, resistors, etc) into that signal chain (and must be compatable with the rest of the gear in the chain). My turntable/preamp and my SqueezeBox/Dac still go into my active preamp - they did not sound as good direct into my amp (actually an external crossover) so definately compatability issues there. The CD player & crossover just seem to match perfectly. I really urge everyone with a CD player (or DAC) with a volume control to try the direct connection. You may be as surprised (actually, I was floored) as I was, and stil am. If I did not have volume capabilities on my crossover, I would already have a passive in my system.
I think the key advntage of a passive (in the right system) over an active is it's not changing/distorting the