Who is the WORST Audio Shop?

There seems to have been quite a bit written over the past several years regarding the myriad of reasons one can attribute to the demise of the brick and mortar audio shop. Rarely have I read however one of the most obvious reasons, which based on my experience, has got to be the simple fact that for the most part, they just didn't offer a high end listening experience. That, along with an elitist and careless attitude towards customer service, buried them as much as anything else. So here's my question. Who is the WORST audio shop/dealer you've ever encountered?

Showing 8 responses by roxy54

I understand, but was just curious about why they wouldn't let you audition the speaker since you brought it up.
I remember Joe when he ran his business out of a condo, and he was a pretty nice and straightforward. Years later, I went into his new, and of course larger storefront, and he wasn't there at the time. There was another gent there and it was a different , and chillier experience. Joe was an early dealer of Sonus Faber, and I remember that he loaned me a pair of monitors to try out for a week.
Still bragging about how much money you have? They were probably calling you a schmuck as you walked out the door.
I don't have as much money as you, or most likely 95% of the members on this forum, but I am proud to say that I have not lowballed any of those members from whom I have purchased.
It does seem that you have done your due dilligence in giving credit where it is due.
I have never heard of, or been to AV South. They sound about as accomodating as many other high end stores, which is saying very little.