Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?

I want to upgrade my digital side … (currently Bluesound Vault 2i feeding the DAC of Oppo 105) … plan to spend around $2k … since I’ve ripped all my CDs to the Vault, thinking of spending it all on a DAC, and retire/sell the Oppo while it still has some value. I do have a few older CDPs I could retain as backup, but not sure why I would ever need.

Alternatively, was considering a better combined CDP/DAC like a newer Marantz or Yamaha … upgrades DAC performance some, and a reliable spinner for quite a few more years … but I have very few SACDs, so feeling like this would be the tail wagging the dog.

In what direction have you been migrating?

Showing 5 responses by stuartk

I apologize for my uneccessary snarkiness re: the Oppo.

My experience with them has been underwhelming. 

However, if it sounds good to you in your system. that's all that matters.

My Moon transport + Aqua DAC combo sounds great to me.

I have no desire to spend the time ripping cds.

I like physical media. 

I've read many posts by people saying how much better purely digital playback sounds only to discover their "benchmark" for physical media SQ is an Oppo or something similar.  

I already have enough screens/menus to navigate in my life, thank you-- 
I have 0 interest in adding more. 

Get my drift?  

   "But the problem I see is that, because everything is at hand, your listening changes too and you just jump around rather than listening to a CD/LP that often the artist put a ton of time into to create a musical arc. It’s instant gratification time".

Yes-- the "playlist" has increasingly become the focus.  
This appears to be one of those divisive issues that cannot be resolved.

Some of us prefer streaming and some of us prefer physical media. 

Why not just leave it at that?  

Arguing is not likely to change many minds. 

Frankly, the value of such threads eludes me. 

"The value is, to give the provenance of what they stream/download to you, so you can say yes I'll pay (to uncompressed) or no won't pay (to compressed) issues of the same album." 

Of course, the above makes complete sense but it wasn't the focus of my comments.

I was referring instead to the overall topic of the thread, which seems to boil down to an endless (and apparently irresolvable) dispute re: stream-ing vs. CDs.