Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?

Although I have changed my system substantially in recent years, I still retain both speaker cables and interconnects that I have owned for ~15 years. I use Audience Au24E speaker cables and RCA interconnects, and a Virtual Dynamic David XLR between my DAC and integrated amp.

The system sounds very good, and I am not inclined to make any changes to the cables. Having said that, though, if anyone has used similar cables and found big steps forward without breaking the bank, I'd be interested to read about your experiences.

More broadly, I would enjoy hearing about cables that other members have stuck with for years.

Showing 2 responses by soix

I'm skeptical though that cables matter much
Well @tk21, with so many cable companies selling direct these days with generous trial periods it’s certainly not too hard to find out if you’re right, so why not try?  You might be surprised.   

Acoustic Zen Silver Reference interconnects and Satori shotgun bi-wire speaker cables have been constants in my system for about 20 years — yikes!!! — despite others making brief appearances and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.