Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?

I have a BMC Ultradac arriving tomorrow and knowing me, I'll be awake all night. I'll be lucky if I get 3 hrs of sleep. 


Showing 3 responses by waytoomuchstuff

I record The Science Channel’s How the Univierse Works on my DVR and turn it on when I can’t sleep. I usually make it about 7 1/2 minutes in before falling asleep. Works everytime. More powerful than Hf-fi anticipation -- or, regret.


I'm nodding off just reading your reference to "Exploring Quantum History".  I'm brewing some coffee as we speak.  Got a lot of day left.  

Those "universe stuffs" programs can be a bit of a mine field.  While mostly calm (read: boring) some of them involve big things blowing up with frequent flashes of light.  It's a bit like trying to go to sleep with a strobe light going off.  So, I've learned to exclude titles that involve "creation", "demise", "destruction", etc.  Just sayin'.