Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?

Been some banter the past couple of days about bad experiences with a couple of the "Boutique Amplifier and  Speaker Builders"

So I am posing the question of these " Boutique Builders" , who of them have been stand up guys and gals taking care of business for you.

Some may find this information helpful in the processes of making a purchasing decision.

I will say that Upscale Audio has been standup in  the past with an Issue I had with a Pathos Amp and got me fixed up fast.
Andy Tebbe - Backert Labs
Donna Bodinet - Sota
Ralph Karsten - Atma-Sphere
Dr. Roger West - Soundlab
John Rutan - Audio Connection

RIP Bobby Palkovic - Merlin 


1). Dennis Had. What a gentleman, repaired my Inspire amp after a tube failed and didn’t charge a fee. I was so grateful I insisted on payment         2). Mike Morrow. Great product with additional set up advise. Mike provided addition discount and burn in time just to improve my experience.                                                            3). Sean Casey. Multiple responses from the man himself with placement issues trying to make footers work.