Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?

Been some banter the past couple of days about bad experiences with a couple of the "Boutique Amplifier and  Speaker Builders"

So I am posing the question of these " Boutique Builders" , who of them have been stand up guys and gals taking care of business for you.

Some may find this information helpful in the processes of making a purchasing decision.

I will say that Upscale Audio has been standup in  the past with an Issue I had with a Pathos Amp and got me fixed up fast.

Showing 1 response by perazzi28

To a some great engineers & designers who execute there products so well and get it right.  
1) George Merrill, who I refer to as Mr. Analog.  Is always helpful with his wisdom. From his GEM Dandy products to his amazing turntables + white papers.
2) Ron Sutherland, another analog devote with fine phono stages & his superb N1 Preamplifier.
3) Russell Sherwood, amplifier designer/builder.