Who are the Stand Up Guy's and Gals in this Audio Industry?

Been some banter the past couple of days about bad experiences with a couple of the "Boutique Amplifier and  Speaker Builders"

So I am posing the question of these " Boutique Builders" , who of them have been stand up guys and gals taking care of business for you.

Some may find this information helpful in the processes of making a purchasing decision.

I will say that Upscale Audio has been standup in  the past with an Issue I had with a Pathos Amp and got me fixed up fast.

Showing 3 responses by fsonicsmith

This is of course limited to purchase history;
John Devore-ask this true gentleman a tedious question like whether vibration control devices are a good idea under his loudspeakers and he gives you an immediate considered response. One example among several. 
EveAnna Manley-I can't say that I have received personal responses from her but she has a great team of support staff who give immediate informative responses. 
Peter Bizlewicz-if this name does not ring a bell, he is Symposium Acoustics. I really ought to put him at the top of my list because this gem of a guy will share his wealth of knowledge on any audio-related topic regardless of whether it involves his excellent equipment racks. I once mentioned upgrading coupling caps on my ARC amp and he sent me 2000 word explanation of the engineering principles applicable to coupling caps! I own three of his racks and love them. 
Ruta Triukiene-I bet few of you know who she is either. I believe she is the wife of Reed designer and to my mind engineering-genius Vidmantas Triukas. She serves as Sales Manager. She is incredibly responsive to questions and if you have ever tried to mount a Reed arm, there will be questions. 
I see Justin Weber got mentioned above. I recently bought a customized Nautilus. Not much of a customization but it is powder coated white which I think makes it bitchin'. I would love to serve as editor of his website as an English major/lawyer for his typos drive me nuts but that is besides the point. He is as personable and as down to earth as they come. 
I could list some downright snotty people who make damned good stuff too. I have a bespoke tube based DAC from England that cost a fortune and I absolutely love it but the owner and brains behind the operation is a complete arrogant arse. 
Joe at JPS/Abyss
Oh yeah. When I got back into audio in about 1995 after a hiatus I bought a pair of B&W 805 Matrixes. Joe made a product called "Golden Flutes" that were powered equalizers to boost the bass response specifically made for just this loudspeaker. I called JPS and to ask some questions and got Joe. Joe mentioned the one downside to his Golden Flutes would be needing an additional set of IC's. I whined about already being beyond budget buying the Golden Flutes. Joe responded, "I see. I will throw in a set of my IC's". They were a set of his better IC's where the signal cable was inside a flexible goosenecked copper tube making them a bit unwieldy but damn they were miles better than any IC's I had at the time. I still have the 805M's and the Golden Flutes waiting for a second system set-up or to go to one of my sons. I will always remember (well maybe not since I did not mention him above) his kindness. 
J. Tull’s second LP.
Clapton's third solo LP; "There's one in every crowd"

Mike Morrow. Great product with additional set up advise. Mike provided addition discount and burn in time just to improve my experience.                                                
F-me! The PT Barnum of audio. Thankfully once I called him out he stopped advertising $4,000 cables on featured products of this Board's sales site.