Who actually uses digital speakers?

Of course, @atmasphere is about to jump in and say "no such thing as... "  so before he jumps into the fray, what I mean is, who uses active speakers with digital inputs?

The biggest brand I know of who invested in this in a big way was Meridian which I believe had not just S/PDIF but a custom digital interface as well.  With the advent of plate amps with S/PDIF inputs standard I'm wondering how many audiophiles have made the jump to active speakers using the digital inputs?

What are you using and what is your experience like?


Hi Eric, I have been using Meridian digital actives for many years now and am quite happy.  In fact I probably don't see myself going back to a passive system anytime soon.  


I would be happy to connect by PM if you are looking for specific feedback on Meridian DSPs.

@jdbsi I don't need backchannel information on Meridian.  It was more of an open discussion I thought would be cool and useful.

Actives will be the future. Bi and tri amped, crossover done in digital domain, eq settings.  Many times, actives will beat a hodge podge thrown together rig.  System synergy is hard to achieve at times

I respectfully and strongly disagree with the broad statement that DSP applied makes music sound like crap. Broad and adamant statements are a disservice to the audio community. DSP is applied everywhere there is digital, from recording to mastering to playback. Unless you listen to analog masters through an all analog system DSP has been applied. An all analog audio chain has analog manipulation and an audio chain that has digital has DSP. Analog signal processing is not without sin either especially if over used.

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