Whizzer cone drivers

According to my expirience as speaker designer , i am wondering why so  many companies  still making loudspeakers with wizzer cone drivers and  so many  guys fall in love with this products choosing small paper cone as a additonal tweeter prefering high quality tweeter made from top quality components.Yes, no crossover ( capacitor) , but still ?


Showing 3 responses by erik_squires

While we are talking about how to extend the resposne of a single driver, I encourage you all to look up "Woofer-Assisted Wide Band."

Essentially a two-way with a very low crossover point vs. the traditional 2kHz or so crossover point used by most modern 2-way designs.

PS - As a DIY speaker maker, I can see how boring it may get to chase the "best" drivers all the time.  DIY is about fun and experimentation so I think some whizzers may make for a fun time building.

I think in DIYaudio.com you’d find a lot of people being more willing to engage on this topic. :)

There are some big fans of those and even paper and phenolic ring tweeters. Perhaps they mate well with the music / period they listen to.