Which would you pick? PrimaLuna

I currently have a PrimaLuna Dialogue 1 that was upgraded a bit to almost be a Dialogue two. I'm using it with KT120s and I'm very happy with it powering my B&W N805s. But I recently hot a great deal on a set of 803s that I've always wanted. I'm thinking a bit more power may wake them up even more. Now I have a shot to move up to PrimaLuna Prologue three and Prologue sevens for a thousand bucks difference.

If you've heard both, what do you think? It's a step down from Dialogue to Prologue series. But it's a step up to separates and more power. Overall is it a step up? And is it enough of a step up to justify a thousand bucks?

By the way-- I went to a local dealer today and listened to the prologue premium compared to the Mcintosh 6300. The difference wasn't nearly as much as expected. The PL had a sweeter midrange with its EL34 tubes and handled the speakers really well. The Mc was very nice too and had a touch more control in the lower bass, but it wasn't as dramatic as I expected. It was not worth the extra $1000 (the Mc was a demo model listed at $3k) IMO.

Showing 1 response by moofoo

This has been a very interesting thread for me as I have a Dialogue 2 (my second PrimaLuna integrated, started with a Prologue 2)and am in the process of upgrading to a Prologue Premium pre-amp and likely (not yet) a Dialogue Premium stereo amp. Right now I am just running the PL Premium preamp to the HT bypass mode of my Dialogue 2 and listening. I have the stock tubes in the preamp and am upgrading them soon. Through tube rolling with the pre and power tubes in the Dialogue 2, I know tubes make a big difference, and I really think I can get better sound out of the Prologue Premium pre-amp. I love Primaluna products, and this is my first venture into separates. BTW I am cleaning out my tube stash and will be selling them here on Agon soon. Comments, input, opinions, observations are welcome!