Which system with Tannoy D700 ?

I have just purchased a S/H pair of Tannoy D700. Genuinely BIG speakers, with a hearty sound, amazing bass and surprising finesse for a hornish design. They can tend to sound a bit forward or raw though.
Question is : which amp and speakers cables would suit them best ?
Thanks for your tips.
I auditioned some McIntosh equipment on Tannoy D700s and they were splendid together. Really! I bought the McIntosh and I also bought some D500s on the Internet based on this experience (the D700s were too big for my wife). The McIntosh tamed the D700 sound nicely.
Congratulations on the D700's. There are a lot of choices available for amps. I would consider Bryston, BAT, McCormack, SimAudio, or Pass Labs with a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp. I wouldn't worry about the cables until you choose all your components.
Kora Kosmos monos will be a great match(best amps I've ever heard for that price range). Speak to a VanDenHul cable specialist directly(Chris) and he would bring you the best-value idea. To me the VanDenHul cables worth more than every penny to its performance since they have probably the best designed conductors available.