which speaker cables to buy?

I have PSB I65's and need advice on which cables to run. They will need to be about 10-12 feet. Would like some good quality wires but do not want to spend alot if the sound would not benefit greatly. I do not have any idea what speaker cable cost per quality so I do not have a price in mind that I need to spend. Please give advice.
I've tried some of the Signal Cable products and have found them to be excellent performers and very fairly priced. I don't think you can go wrong with any of their products.
Get the lampcord and some moderately priced speaker cable (used it's cheaper) from Audioquest, Kimber, Tara, Signal, Blue Jean, Clear Day, etc and compare. Listen over several weeks and different times. Do A/B comparisons. Have fun.

Your ears will tell you what to keep.
So what do you consider to be moderate priced speaker cable? I don't have a clue what the $$ or quality difference between lamp cord and moderate price is?
Look at classified ads on this site for speaker cables.

Some will be over $10,000 some will be less than $100. The ones that are less than $100 would be moderately priced. Some brands have been suggested for which to look.

How will they sound? Will you like them? Only you can answer that after listening. Everyone has a different perception as to what they hear and no one here can tell you what you will like for speaker cable or equipment. I will offer an apology if it sounds like we could.

Everyone does here however, does have an opinion based on what they hear and like.

Lamp cord is about 30 cents per foot at Home depot. Start small and move up. Resell what you don't like.

Welcome to the merry go round.
I'm really unsure why a lot of 'audiophiles' claim not to be able to notice cable differences, as to me, the differences range from mildly obvious, to VERY obvious.

Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance of different cables vary; It stands to follow that so will the sound.

This is not to say that 'more expensive = better' - not at all. It's simply a matter of finding a cable that works well with YOUR PARTICULAR SETUP.

Example: Once upon a time, in my old setup at my old place, i was getting too much low end boom in my room, regardless of speaker placement. After describing the sound i was getting to my dealer and telling him what cable i was using, he suggested something that he thought would solve the problem.

The new cables, which did not cost any more than the older cables, were a much better match for my system. The bass was cleaned up and a veil was lifted from the midrange.

The difference was easily recognized by me and my girlfriend (who is not into audio gear at all).

Find what works for you... Hate to say it, but I sort of view cables as 'tone controls' (almost, but not really)...

Again, expensive cables do not necessarily mean 'better sounding' in your system.