Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??

Price to spend around $500-800 used.

Tonality? I don’t mind that as much but around neutral would be preferable.

Thank you all.


Showing 2 responses by fthompson251


I just don’t understand the purpose of your argument. Since the discussion encoumpases participants that choose to spend their money making improvements that they have found to be beneficial to them. Why is it so important for you to tell them you believe they are wrong? Why? You tell them they are wrong and in so many words that they are stupid and delusional to believe what they feel they hear? What do you gain by all this? Are you trying to "cure" them or something? Seem to me a testosterone boost for you is about all that is gained. YOu don’t hear a difference, so good for you, you are happy with that conclusion. I could care less and for you you are not wrong. I never understood the persistence to the cable denier crowd that will argue so vehemently on for the most part deaf ears to you point. What is the point of it all?

@hilroy48  I am in the process of scooping up Wireworld Silver Electra 7's for my front end components. I just found another one today and am hoping to finish that transaction. I have another one arriving today, a 2M for my DAC. I have an E7 on my DDC currently. The one I am hoping to get today will go on my CEC CD transport. These are replacing very old Shunyata Black Mambas I have had for 20 years. I am looking forward to what advancements have  transpired in the past 20 years.