Which Line Conditioner?

I am looking for some suggestions and advice from you experienced audio people on power line conditioners. I want to replace my current line conditioners to use a single unit for all components. I have been considering the Tice Elite 3 because of its capicity for multiple components and price (plus it looks nice, you know that wife thing). However I dont think it will accomodate the power consumption of my amps, or will it? (LLano Design A-300 mono amps, 285 Watts at idle each) Do I need to use a seperate Line Conditioner just for the amps? Don't use a conditioner at all for the amps? Any suggestions and input would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by sugarbrie

Well, if the power from the main box is not perfect and it probably is not, the above suggestion won't help at all. Check out the the Vansevers power conditioners at www.vansevers.com One of the best at their price points in my humble opinion. If you call or eMail the company with questions, Mike Vansevers himself will respond.
PS: Vansevers has single or mulitple conditioners. Tuned and filtered for digital and analog sources. Mike Vansevers was once a Pro Audio guy skeptic who once though power conditioners and interconnets were a joke until he actually sat down one day and listened. Now he manufactures the stuff. I believe he has an electrical engineering background.
I have to agree that if you can get a dedicated line, go for it. I do not think you should then skip the power conditioner. If your neighbor who gets his power before you do has power tools for a hobby, the dedicated line will give the electrical pollution he creates a more direct line to your system. Stay away from the mass market conditions like Adcom, Panamax & Monster. I guess I keep singing Mike Vansevers praises, but he agrees with all the negative comments by some here and has tried to design products that don't limit power, etc, etc.