Which is the best amplication?

Ok I know it has been done before...

I have narrowed (!) the choice of amplification for my speakers (SF grand piano homes: 90 db and 6 Ohms) to the following. I have not listened to some of these and I plan to buy S/H. Your experience and considered opinions will therefore be greatly appreciated. My room is medium size (25ft/15/10) and I listen to all types of music (classical, soul, jazz, modern rock etc).

There goes:

1. MF A308 integrated
2. MF A3 pre and a308 power
3. Meridian 502 pre/556 or 557 power
4. Belcanto evo2i integrated
5. Naim 102/180 prepower with hicap
6. Lavardin is
7. Krell 300i/300il

I considered the UR unico. It was pretty good at its price range but I thought the SF could do with better. I also considered the Audio Analogue Maestro (which one of our contributors really liked) but it was quite expensive even s/h and I didn't think the high price was justified.

So there it is.

Tks in avance for any considered feedback.
I'm not a fan of MF gear. I auditioned them several times and was not impressed. Additionally, the worksmanship is not up to standard for the price range (I won't go to details). Meridian is nice but rather pricey. Bel Canto was my second choice. I ultimately settle for the Pathos Logos and could not be happier. It work extremely well with Sonus Faber. It delivers great dynamic envelope with silky sound to boot...and you get to experience a little tube rolling. Same price range as Bel Canto but with 2 XLR inputs!. It doesn't get much recognition because there's little marketing unlike MF.
There's a very nice review by Ken Kessler on HiFi News, FWIW.
There is one on auction right now. I'm sure it can be had for a good price. It was posted for $2,700 before. I don't have any affiliation with the seller. There's also a reasonable Bel Canto eVo2i offer from Stereoholic at this moment. IMHO, it's a toss up between the 2 depending on the features you want, tube or digital?. Bel Canto offers "tube-like" sound with 1 XLR input. Pathos is dead quite with great PRaT, wonderful details and grip (I'm amazed everyday at the amount of bass if has and does control) with 2 XLR inputs and tubed stage. Oh yeah, the aesthetic counts too.
Sorry, I throw another choice into the mix. But isn't this hobby wonderful because of the many choices you have available? BTW, have You considered you cabling choices yet?
Good luck.
I am in the same ship but choosing between MF a3.2 pre + 2 amps vs. Rotel 1080 or 1090 for 803's
I'm biased I've got the evo2i, effortless sound and brilliant remote control - i'm lazy.
I'm also in search of amp / preamp or integrated in your price range. Do you know where there is a Pathos dealer on the east coast? Maybe near Washington, DC or Philadelphia?
