
Responses from tyroneco3f8f

Which is the best amplication?
I am in the same ship but choosing between MF a3.2 pre + 2 amps vs. Rotel 1080 or 1090 for 803's 
Will storing used speakers for 1 year damage it?
Will audition the 803's this afternoon. Hope that they are as flawless and the seller says ha ha ha.The good thing about the philippines is that the temperature doesnt change much. 26-30 C all year round. I will just seal the speaker in plastic. B... 
Will storing used speakers for 1 year damage it?
Ha ha ha... funny reply. Thanks for the thoughts on how to keep the speakers.My reasons for buying now:1) I live in the Philippines and the peso (our currency has been devaluating around 10% a year). The speakers will be 10% more expensive next ye... 
Paradigm vs. Boston Acoutics
Thanks for your advice… it sounds really interesting and gave me a total new perspective. I was almost sold on the Paradigm Studio 80’s before I read your post. Just to give you a better idea of my situation: 1) I am building a new system from scr...