Which is more important - Interconnects or PCs?

What do you think your system benefit the most - from interconnects, Speaker Cables, or Powercords? Or do you think they are eqaully important? Is $5000 powercord really necessary?

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

I agree with Pops. Based upon the questions and virtual systems shown on this forum, too much attention is paid to cabling at the expense of front end components and other issues, primarily room acoustics. There are tons of sub $200/meter interconnects and cables, while not state of the art, are very good to excellent performers. Unless you're in the $5,000+ per component range, an incremental $2,000 or $3,000 is nearly always better spent on anything but cables. You don't have to agree with me, but there's really nothing stunning or reckless in this position.