Having heard harbeth 30.2 40th anniversary and Graham Audio ls 5/9 side by side for a few months, I can say that I love the BBC sound and I really love the Graham Audio execution better. If you like the treble of the 30.2, you don’t know what your missing with the similar grahams. Way more open up top but not harsh, even better balanced. Beware, to get the most of these speakers bass wise, a powerful amp is required.
@redwoodaudio old post but I think this is the only post I could find on the internet which compares the Graham LS5/9 to the Harbeth M30.2 40th anniversary. I have to admit, I have a fetish for speakers although I may have settled down with the hifi for good, currently have two pairs of speakers. I’ll try to make this short and avoid being long-winded. In what ways do you feel the LS5/9s are superior to the 30.2 40th Anniversary? I am a long time Harbeth user and now own the LS5/9. However, some used pairs of 30.2 40th Anniversary and recently C7ES3 XD that keep popping up in the market caught my eye, and interest. It is unlikely I’ll consider additional speakers but am curious in what ways the LS5/9 is more enjoyable than the 30.2 40th Anniversary.
I have listened to the 30.2 40th Anniversary many years ago when it was available at the dealers but did not compare it directly to the LS5/9 which I currently own, side by side. The LS5/9 surely sounds more enjoyable, more natural and open than the Harbeths which I have owned or listened to which include the SHL5, SHL5 Plus, C7ES3 and M30.1. The M30.2 40th Anniversary sounds quite similar to the 30.1 but with slightly more open midrange and treble, not as warm.