Which Harbeths?

Trying to decide between the the M30.1/2 and the C7es3/XD. I’ve researched it a fair amount and I’m coming up a bid confused. Like most things it seems people have conflicting opinions. I’m coming from using various Totems for the last decade. I also just had a pair of Dynaudio special 40s for a short time before selling. I found the 40s were better at playing louder and had a bit softer top end, but overall just lacked that something special, ironically. What I’m really after is that just rightness I get with Totems. While I find there top end a bit much I’ve been willing to work with it because of the just rightness I personally get from them. My wife likes to say they sing which I think gets the just of it as well. Harbeth has sounded very attractive to me for a while and hope to find another version of a special speaker in them.  One that hopefully is a bit smoother in the presence and treble areas while also being very engaging and musical. I use a McIntosh mc302 and C46, so plenty of power for any of the Harbeths I’d think.  Anyways, I’d appreciate any feedback in these two models I can get. Anybody who has experience with both Harbeth and Toen I would have particular interest in your take. I live about 4 hours from any dealer and I don’t like to waste their time since I will inevitably buy used anyways.  

Showing 1 response by bjesien

I owned the C7 es3xd for a while and can vouch it is a great speaker. When people say Harbeth's can play your favorite songs and make them sound great, believe it. There is a clear window into the music and it only wants to make you turn the volume higher (no fatigue). 

The downside that I saw is that in order to get them to stage well and really disappear they need some power. Sure they sounded great with my 14 wpc tube amp but the control an amp needs to hold on the speaker made the tone great, but that's so much less than this speaker can do when supplied with 60 plus wpc. If you find a ss amp that you like that's fine. I really enjoyed the Supernait.

The drawback and reason I sold the C7's is twofold. First they wanted to be set up right- not particularly more difficult than another speaker but I didn't want to move them. I'd rather wrestle a mid size floor stander than deal with stands and spikes and top heavy situations. Second is recreation. They do great with smaller stuff, trios, singer songwriter and very good with larger music.  Reason two, they get loud but don't really want to be pushed beyond. I'm responsible with volume and power and could hear them struggle and loose pace with other speakers I've had. Bass heavy music, tread lightly- Now to be fair the Supernait is like 85 wpc, maybe they'd do better with 150 per side, didn't try.

Good luck on your search. Part of the fun for me has been trying tons of gear over the years and I'm glad I tried Harbeth, and it's on my list to try again some day.