I had the Acc, Wadia and Opus 21 in my system driving direct and into a Counterpoint SA-5000 and Pass Labs X-1 preamp. W/O the preamps the sound was a slightly cleaner but lacked some body, overall a toss up if you don't have the funds for a good preamp, power cord and ICs. That being said, I preferred the Waida 861 basic to the Acc and the Opus 21 I preferred over the Acc with a Shanyata Black Mamba power cord on it. W/O the Mamba the Opus was not happening, with the Mamba everything relaxed. The Wadia was not really changed by the Mamba. I never found the Wadia edgy as Itsalldark did. I agree with Its comments on the AA Cap but trying to get a good one and then if it fails getting it repaired was my overall issue.
Happy Listening.
Happy Listening.