Which Budget Speakers, Tekton or Omega?

I have a $2500 budget and haven’t had any luck finding the right floorstander in the local hifi shops, so am seeking advice from owners of internet-direct speakers.

I have an all tube system with a 30W triode EL34 amp. My system is in the living room, 12’ x 16’ x 8.' Speakers can be a maximum height of about 40 inches.
   Most important to me is a realistic laid-back presentation with open, transparent sonics. For example, I really like the KEF sound. I listen to 90% Classical, but also take my Led Zeppelin very seriously.
I have a sensitivity to high frequencies (hyperacusis), so there must be a smooth and natural top-end. And I’m done with metal tweeters since I haven’t found any that work for me.

There have been many Tekton threads, so I’m familar with some of their models, but I’m very intrigued by the Omega’s. Can anybody share their experiences with the Omega line or offer advice on floorstanders within my budget? I’m open to used or demos.


Showing 3 responses by glennewdick


Living Voice Auditoriums are a very nice speaker and used in NA  is hard to find, 94db, revelator tweeter so silk dome and very detailed but musical. I moved to these from AudioNote ANE Lux and never looked back. Also I have to say Living Voice is a wonderful company to deal with.

Charlsdad, I find the living voice easier to drive then the AudioNote. but the ANE’s are rated higher then actual as testing shows. Also the Living Voice has a better overall load characteristics 6ohm nominal and they don’t swing much lower. they do not play as low as the ANE’s however but I found the lower end ANE’s to be sort of a one note bass speaker anyway. the LV’s are much faster and better detail then the AN’s and in my house more musical. I find I can get satisfying levels and control with my 8wch 300b amp on the LV’s not so much on the ANE’s they like double that at least.

Also that link is in Canada so Canadian Dollars so take 30% off for US$

Worth it if you can swing that much better speaker then the two you are looking at by far.

charles1dad and Gwalt, I posted this reply in the wrong listing sorry.

I tend to listen music at bout 70-85db in my condo thats more then enough to be satisfying and not disturb my fellow condo dwellers. Yes the LV's do come alive some what more with 15-20wch but I do think they are still very good with only 8wch. I'd bet a 300b parallel amp would be glorious with them. I may look at having my amp modified for parallel operation. wow can you imagine 16wch! lol

lots of choices we live in a great audio time.