Which Amarra Should I get for AIFF Exclusively?

Hi there, I currently am using a IMAC for my music server with a HRT Streamer II for now. I do not plan on going into HI-RES as Id prefer to spend the money on Vinyl.

With this as my basis would I get any upgrades from Amarra Junior to Amarra Mini or even Full blown Amarra?

I have a full range system so I cant see any use in crossovers, But I am curious about the Equalizer and how much more you get with each upgrade.

Oh I tried Puremusic and I cant live with the gaps in between songs, Does Amarra have gaps?

Thanks a million Toby
Herman: No I did not have the hybrid memory box checked. Just did, so I'll see tonight how that works. Thanks,
The EQ on full Amarra is well worth the extra money. It can transform your system. Could not have gotten best sound of show at RMAF 2010 without the EQ.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Do you have the box checked to allow gapless and hybrid memory play? If you do it starts playing almost immediately while it is loading as much as it can into memory and plays seamlessly.

PM will play gapless unless you play through its memory feature. In that case it takes a moment for the track to load. At least that has been my experience.